“Loch Sport Adventure: East Gippsland Lakes, 90 Mile Beach, and Seals in 3 Days”

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We reached Loch Sport and took refuge in a sturdy house—complete with a crackling fireplace, a functional kitchen, great company, and expansive views. Situated just a short 2 km jaunt from 90 Mile Beach, we decided to make it our first-day destination, stumbling upon a seal peacefully dozing in the misty afternoon.

An afternoon walk along famous 90 mile beach.

Seal peacefully dozing until we disturbed it.

The following day, we laced up for a run along the roads, absorbing the scenery, and then opted for a leisurely stroll through the nearby national park.

Morning run along the causeway at Loch Sport, looking south.

Our journey culminated as we navigated through the park, reaching its farthest point—the ferry wharf at Point Wilson. Loch Sport, with its uncomplicated charm, offered a blend of beach, park, and a laid-back ambiance that left an indelible mark on our expedition.

Looking north to Lakes Entrance from Point Wilson



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